Pursuant to its Articles of Incorporation under the laws of the State of New Hampshire, the name of this organization shall be NEW HAMPSHIRE ARABIAN HORSE ASSOCIATION, INC. (NHAHA) and shall be a not for profit corporation.


The objects and purpose of NHAHA are:

·        Promote, encourage and stimulate popular interest in the outstanding qualities of the Arabian horse.

·         Aid and encourage breeding, exhibiting and use of the Arabian horse.

·         Promote and coordinate Arabian horse shows and/or NHAHA sponsored open horse shows and exhibits.

·         Formulate publicity and conduct educational programs.

·         Promote and coordinate the Arabian horse and its proper care and breeding as stipulated by New Hampshire State law (10/89 RSC 575C and RSA 664.8).


No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of or be distributed to its members, directors, officers or others, or to other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose sent for above.  Upon dissolution of the corporation, the corporation shall pay or make provision for the payment of all liabilities of the corporation, dispose of the assets of the corporation to a successor organization or organization having like purpose and which is an exempt organization pursuant to Section 501(C) of the IRS code.  The organization to receive such property and interest shall be determined by the Board of Directors.


The following types of memberships shall be open to an individual who owns or is interested in the Arabian horse:

a.    Adult Affiliate Member – Full voting member to NHAHA and AHA

b.    Adult Member – Member to NHAHA only with limited voting privileges

c.    Honorary Life Member – By election of the Board of Directors for outstanding service to NHAHA with all privileges of an adult affiliated member with no annual, dues assessment.

d.    Youth Affiliate Member – Youth under 18 years of age as of December 31 of membership year includes membership to AHA.

e.    Youth Member – Member of NHAHA only.


a.    Any member acting in a detrimental manner toward NHAHA may be suspended by 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors.

b.    The member must be given a ten-day notice of the impending suspension to allow her/him to prepare testimony in her/his defense.

c.    The Board of Directors shall determine the length of time of a suspension (including indefinite).  Indefinite suspensions shall require a majority vote of the Board for reinstatement in NHAHA.

d.    Any member found guilty of NH State laws regarding mistreatment of an animal will have their membership revoked.  Reinstatement after a minimum of three years may occur only if a unanimous vote by the Board is rendered.

e.    Any member who is 90 days delinquent in any payment due NHAHA will be considered not in good standing and will be dropped from NHAHA membership.


a.    Each Adult Affiliate NHAHA/AHA member shall have one vote.  Only present year Adult Affiliate NHAHA/AHA members may vote for the election of officers and Board of Directors of NHAHA.

b.    Adult membership shall have limited voting privileges in NHAHA only and youth members only on designated youth issues.
Only live votes shall be counted.


a.    The following officers of NHAHA shall be elected for a two year term:  President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary/Membership Chairperson.  Re-election may be for a one year term thereafter.

b.    Directorships are elected positions:  there shall be 2 directors, each director to be elected in alternating 2 year terms.

c.    Candidates receiving a majority of votes for an elected office shall be elected to that position.

d.    All officers and directors of NHAHA must be Adult Affiliate members of NHAHA in good standing to retain their respective positions.

e.    The Board, by a 2/3 vote may choose to hold elections at the annual meeting.  However, membership must be notified by written notice or electronic communication 30 days prior to the annual meeting that election by live vote will be held.  Nominations must be accepted from the floor. The individual making the nomination must be a present year Adult Affiliate NHAHA member.


a.    Duties of the President:  The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and have the general active management of the organization in cooperation of NHAHA.  He/She shall have general supervision of the officers and committee chairmen of the organization and see that their duties are properly performed.

b.    Duties of the Vice President:  In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall have all the powers of the President.  In the absence of both the President and Vice President, the Board of Directors shall appoint a temporary president.

c.    Duties of the Secretary/Membership Chairperson:  The Secretary shall manage all correspondence, maintain all documents, record all votes and keep minutes of all meetings.  In the absence of the Secretary, the President may appoint a temporary acting recording secretary.  The Membership Chairperson shall be responsible for recruiting new members, maintaining an accurate list of all current members, and shall inform AHA of all affiliate members to NHAHA.

d.    Duties of the Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall keep complete and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of NHAHA.  The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the organization as directed by the Board of Directors and President.  The Treasurer shall give a financial report at each meeting.  All books and records must be surrendered immediately to the President or the Treasurer’s successor upon termination of office.


a.    The affairs of NHAHA shall be managed by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary/Membership Chairperson, Treasurer, two (2) directors and the immediate past president.


a.   If a vacancy occurs during an officer’s or a director’s term in office, the remainder of the Board shall vote to appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term.  Special Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any time or place upon call of the President or any two members of the Board.
Any director who does not attend regularly scheduled meetings may be asked to resign their position on the board.
Resignation of an officer of NHAHA shall be submitted in writing to the President and/or Board of Directors.  At the discretion of the Board, verbal resignation may be acknowledged.  Acceptance of resignations will be returned via certified mail.


a.   Dues for any portion of a year are to be paid in full.  The amount shall be set from time to time as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.  AHA affiliate membership dues are set by AHA and only the Board may set the club portion.  Non-negotiable checks will be assessed and additional $25 fee.  All fees must be paid to retain membership in NHAHA and AHA.
Dues are non-refundable once submitted to NHAHA.


a.  Robert Rules of Order shall be the standard for conducting a business meeting of the organization but shall not take precedence over the By-Laws of NHAHA.  Meeting of NHAHA shall be called by the Board of Directors.
Quorum:  A quorum shall consist of four (4) of the voting Board of Directors.
Voting:  The President shall not vote except in the case of a tie.
Written notice or electronic communication of any meeting shall be given to membership 30 days prior to the meeting.
Membership in attendance at any meeting shall constitute a quorum. 
The annual meeting of NHAHA shall be held between November 1 and January 31 weather permitting.  The election of officers and directors shall take place at time dependent upon expiration of their term.


a. The President may establish committees and appoint committee chairs as needed to perform such tasks as the President or Board may determine.  Chairmen of committees will submit a report of their activities at a meeting of NHAHA and/or annual meeting as requested by the President.
The President will serve as a member of all committees.
Committee chair positions will automatically expire upon the election of a new President.


These By-Laws may be enacted, amended or repealed by a majority of all voting members.  This action may occur at a duly authorized meeting.  Thirty (30) days notice must be given prior to membership meeting of NHAHA where by-law change may occur.  The proposed change must be sent by mail or electronic communication to the membership.

Current and/or amended By-Laws must be submitted to AHA for approval and will remain on record at AHA.


The Fiscal year of the corporation shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December in each year.

(Updated February 14, 2024)